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Issue: The Vault of Horror #2
Publication Date: January 1982
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Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagRuss Cochran
Indicia Publisher: Russ Cochran, Publisher
On Sale Date: (not set)
Volume: 2
Pages: 212
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: none entered
Indicia Frequency: none
Content Items: 49 (30 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): Russ Cochran
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Publication Type: Hardcover
Color: color covers; black and white interiors with partial color
Dimensions: 10" x 13"
Paper Stock:  
Binding: Hardcover
Publishing Format: Collected Edition
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There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted anywhere.
Disclose Reprinted From45
45 Content Items from other Issues reprinted as/in this Issue:
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Cover, Front
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Title Page
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Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (Headview); The Old Witch (Headview); The Crypt-Keeper (Headview)
Title taken from story from which the cover is based.

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (Headview); The Old Witch (Headview); The Crypt-Keeper (Headview)
Title taken from the story from which the cover is based.
Look For This Seal...

Advertisement  on  Interior Page(s)
Subject Matter
Association of Comics Magazines Publishers
Ad promoting the seal of approval for comic magazines.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (cameo); Aldous Barstow; Rick Hudson
A lonely woman, who had joined a lonely hearts club, accepts a marriage proposal by mail, but when she meets him, he is actually much older than she realizes. After she meets the new area health inspector, Rick Hudson, and falls for him, she murders her husband and dumps him into the well on their property so she can carry on a romance with Hudson. Then she discovers that Hudson is married and leaving town. Disappointed beyond hope, she goes over to well to draw some water to quench her mounting thirst and gets a real surprise!
Lend Me a Hand!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Crypt of Terror
The Crypt-Keepers (cameo); Dr. Harold Johnson
Emminent physician Dr. Johnson is the victim of a car accident and loses his hand, which means his career is finished. After reading an article in a medical journal about keeping tissue alive by a chemical and mechanical apparatus, the doctor decides to kill a drunk to get a hand to replace the one he lost with some very unfortunate results!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William M. Gaines
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Subject Matter
Inspector Mattern
Inspector Mattern, and his assistant, Sergeant Finch, were working homicide detail concerning four murders that had occured under a full moon in the previous four months. They laid a trap for the killer, which appeared to be some kind of wild animal....at least, the wounds on the victims indicated such to be the case. As Mittern sat waiting to spring the trap, he looked up at the full moon and a strange tingling began coursing through his body....and he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he became aware of a heavy weight on his chest, which he discovered to be Sgt. Finch, whose throat was slashed and who's wounds appeared to be that of a werewolf! Then he noticed his hairy hands were covered in blood....and realized that the trap he had set had worked and had caught the killer werewolf...and it turned out to be himself!
This text story was printed on the inner halves of the two pages, and to each side were EC house ads One was for Weird Fantasy #1 [with a cover by Al Feldstein], and the other ad [with covers] promoted the Picture Stories From the Bible series: the Complete Old and New Testaments, the Old Testament #1-2 and the New Testament #1.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Subject Matter
The Vault-Keeper's Corner
The Vault-Keeper (cameo)
In this issue's column, the VK first gives the reader voting results for the best tales from last issue, then discusses the requests for back issues of the VOH. He concludes the column by once again promoting the picture of himself [for 10 cents] and subscriptions to his mag.
The Mask of Horror

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Jack Kamen
Jack Kamen
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (cameo); Ken Anders
Ken Anders stops off at an eerie costume shop to get a costume for a party, and the weird owner outfits him with a mask and costume that is supposed to represent his true self. Opening the box upon reaching home, he discovers the costume of a rotting corpse inside. Donning only the costume, he goes over to his fiancee's house, but she begs off because of a headache....so he leaves, but then discovers he left the box with the mask inside at her house. When he returns, she is in the arms of another man....so he leaves devastated. He puts the mask on and heads to the party, and meets a woman dressed as a vampire and falls for her. They head into the garden to unmask and he discovers she really IS a vampire, who then attacks him. Anders drowns her in a lily pond....but then notes his reflection in the pond with terrifying results!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.
Dying to Lose Weight!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Graham Ingels
Graham Ingels
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Old Witch (cameo); Dr. Perdo
In a small town populated by many fat people, a weird Dr. Perdo comes to town, offering to help those people through the use of a tiny weight-loss capsule. Four accept his offer and the capsule works on them to perfection, and the town is sorry to see Dr. Perdo move on. But then, the four people suddenly die horrible deaths as if they had starved to death. Six months later, Perdo, in disguise, returns to town, but is discovered and runs into the cemetery to hide and into the mausoleum of one of his victims where he comes face-to-face with the thing that killed his victims: a giant tapeworm!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.
Notes and Comments

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
John Benson; Bill Mason
John Benson

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron
The Vault-Keeper (head view); the Old Witch (head view); the Crypt-Keeper (head view)
Southern Hospitality!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror!
The Vault-Keeper (cameo); Abner Scanlon
Abner Scanlon was a gigolo who disliked work and preyed only on rich women. Unfortunately for him, he marries a young girl from one of the South's richest clans, only to discover that she has NO money at all, but said so not to dishonor the family name. Greedy for money, Abner sells an antique vase of the family and begins living it up, leading to a violent out-burst against the family and dear old great-great grandfather Jackson, which results in his wife's Aunt dying from a heart-attack. Soon after, another such episode occurs, wherein Abner takes great-great grandfather's picture out of a valuable frame in order to see the frame, leading to the death of her Uncle. Abner's wife, Claudia, runs tearfully to her room.....and later she hears a scream coming from the attic. She enters to find Abner dead on the floor, pierced by a sword....then she glances at the picture of her military great-great grandfather resting above Abner.....and notes the sword is missing from its hilt!
The Jellyfish!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William M. Gaines; Al Feldstein
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Crypt of Terror
The Crypt-Keeper (cameos); Howard Norton; Charles Norton
Charles and Howard Norton, of Norton's Pharmaceutical Company, are having an argument. It seems the company has received an order for one million hypodermic inserts for insulin, but can only make 500,000. Not wanting to lose the order, Charles muses that they could dilute each insert by half, and thereby still provide the one million inserts. Howard, the company's chemist, refuses, calling it criminal, and Charles calls him a spineless jelly-fish! Without the knowledge of Howard, Charles dilutes the inserts and fills the $20,000 order. Later, many diabetic patients begin to die and it's discovered that the inserts have been diluted....but it is Howard, the chemist, who goes to jail! Howard spends the next few years working in the prison lab on a secret formula, and when he is released, he goes to see his brother Charles. Still acting the weakling, Charles offers Howard a drink, and when Charles isn't looking, Howard slips a "special" pill into Charle's drink. The two make a toast and Charles downs his drink....with horrific results!
This story was borrowed from Ray Bradbury's "The Skeleton," but is an entirely new story.
Two Raps!

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William M. Gaines
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Subject Matter
Melvin Brigham
Consulting a medium, Melvin asks if he is to be doomed to the same death his uncle had suffered and there were two raps, indicating yes. As he paid and prepared to leave, the medium told Melvin that she couldn't force the spirit back into the world beyond. Melvin thought the whole affair was clap-trap as he hurried down the darkened road; that is until he kept hearing the low and mournful ghostly raps, and felt a definite choking sensation in his throat as if some invisible being was strangling him to death. Brigham wailed in terror, "Can I be dying?" And the only answer was: two raps!
This text story appears on the inner halves of the two pages, with EC houses ads to either side. One side promotes Frontline Combat #1 [with a Harvey Kurtzman cover], while the other side promotes [with covers] the line of Picture Stories From the Bible: the Complete Old and New Testaments, the Old Testament #1-2 and New Testament #1.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Subject Matter
The Vault-Keeper's Corner
The Vault-Keeper (head view)
The VK begins the column offering photos of ALL three Ghoulunatics for 25 cents, then follows up with last issue's story popularity poll results. Letters from Virgina Kessler, Jimmy Morgan and Charles K. Gloman III are printed as well.
Daddy Lost His Head!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Jack Kamen
Jack Kamen
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (cameo); Martin Blackson; Kathy (his stepdaughter)
Martin Blackson hates his stepdaughter Kathy because she reminds him of his wife's first husband. When Kathy meets neighbor Mrs. Thaumaturge, Martin intervenes and tells Kathy to leave that "witch" alone or she'll bake her in her oven! After Kathy's mother dies, Mrs. Thaumaturge gives Kathy a man-shaped candy doll. Although Kathy swears she'll never eat it, later while Martin cuts wood, Kathy bites the doll's left hand, then hears a scream as Martin has cut off his left hand. When he hears about the doll, Martin demands Kathy hand it over, but she proves it isn't evil by biting off its head!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Graham Ingels [as G. Ingels] (signed)
Graham Ingels [as G. Ingels] (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Old Witch (cameo); Lillian Ansley; Roger Kane
Young Lillian was much too young when she married Waldo, and, soon, his age began to show. One night at a party, she met Roger, fell in love and agreed to get a divorce from Waldo. Unfortunately, Waldo fell ill with polio and needed constant attention....and Lillian told Roger she just couldn't go through with the divorce. Before bidding adieu to Roger, both agree to meet at the lake five years later....and five years later, they do meet, kiss and bid adieu for another five years since Waldo still needed her. The years drift by and the two meet by the lake once again, with the same outcome: they'll meet again in another five years. This time, Waldo finally dies by the end of the second year, and Lillian decides she can't wait for Roger, so attempts to find him. However, she discovers that Roger was horribly killed in a train wreck just after he and Lillian had met two years earlier. Three years later, despondent, Lillian visits the lake for what would have been their next meeting date....and she looks up to see the rotting corpse of Roger Kane walking toward her, and they caress.....soon after, Roger's decaying corpse and the recently deceased, but smiling body of Lillian, are discovered by the lake.
The Reluctant Vampire

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Crypt of Terror
The Vault-Keeper (inset); The Crypt-Keeper (inset); The Old Witch (inset)
Title is taken from the story from which the cover was based.
E.C. Fans!

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (cover)
Al Feldstein (cover)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Weird Fantasy
The house ad promotes Weird Fantasy #15, and has other art not by Feldstein.
About Face!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror!
The Vault-Keeper (host); Lydia Armstrong
Lydia was a circus lion tamer and considered the best, until one evening she was attacked and severely injured by a black panther. After her recovery, she took to wearing a veil because her face had been disfigured, and literally retired from the world. She began to pour over books on witchcraft, hoping to find a solution. Without realizing it, her chauffeur, Steve, began to act as if the disfigurement to her face didn't matter, and Lydia hoped this meant someone could love her for what she was. One evening, however, she took her veil off for him and he froze....but he didn't flinch. Slowly, but surely, he found a way to legally take her money and run off to Florida, taking up with another woman. Lydia swore revenge and took her books on witchcraft off the shelf again, worked up a special cauldron of fluid, dropped in her picture and Steve's...then she waited. Soon, the cauldron ceased boiling and the removed pictures were blank. Lydia looked in the mirror and saw her face had been restored.....but, in Florida, Steve's new girlfriend was suddenly approached by Steve, whose face had become rotting flesh!
The Reluctant Vampire!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Crypt of Terror
The Crypt-Keeper (host); Mr. Drink (a vampire)
As the last rays of the sun retreated in the sky, a coffin opens and out steps Mr. Drink, vampire, who quickly hurries to his job as night watchman at the Blood Donor Center. Drink has used this job to secure his daily supply of blood, then he'd doctor the books to make everything appear legitimate. But this evening, the record book was missing....and he was forced to go out and kill someone to replace the blood he has supped on so that he would not be found out. Upon returning to the center, Drink discovers that the blood center is to be closed down unless the facility takes in twice the amount of blood it does now. So Mr. Drink decides he must act....by killing more victims and stocking the shelves with their blood. But the center's director, who has been awarded a medal for getting so many donations, has been reading the papers about all the recent murders in the neighborhood, and when his secretary reports new pints of blood mysteriously showing up in the center, they conclude that Mr. Drink is a vampire and responsible for the killings. He reports the information to the Police and they find Drink's coffin....and drive a stake into his heart through the medal for increased blood donations that was wrongly given to the director!

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William M. Gaines
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Subject Matter
crime, horror
As Melton flew along in his plane, he thought sure he was going to beat a murder rap for killing Paul Robson by staging the killing to have been perpetrated by a right-handed man. In his mind, even if the Police eventually discovered that Melton used his right hand to commit the crime, he'd be out of the country by then and out of their jurisdiction. He chuckled at the thought of his deception! Suddenly, the plane's engine sputtered and died on him, so Melton donned his parachute and jumped out of the plane....but he couldn't reach the rip-cord ring! Two days later, his body was found in a crater made by his body....his parachute still unopened and the rip-cord ring in its place on the left shoulder strap....waiting to be pulled by the right hand!
This text story was printed on the inner halves of the two pages, with EC house ads to either side. One promoted Weird Fantasy #8 [with an Al Feldstein cover] and the other promoted the Picture Stories From the Bible line: the Complete Old & New Testaments, the Old Testament #1-2, and the New Testament #1.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Subject Matter
The Vault-Keeper's Corner
The Vault-Keeper (head view)
The VK begins the column again pushing the photos of the three GhouLunatics for 25 cents, as well as subscriptions to his mag, followed by last issue's story popularity poll. Letters from Al Munchen, Alan Joseph and Gilbert Jarvis are printed as well.
Grandma's Ghost!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (host); Peggy
Little Peggy is awoken from her sleep by her Grandmother, who is having a heat attack. She asks for her pills, but they are not to be found on the nightstand, and by the time Peggy finds them in another room, her Grandmother has passed away. After the funeral, Peggy's Aunt Helen and Uncle Lawrence were celebrating with each other, thinking they have inherited all of the old woman's money. But at the reading of the will, they learn the money goes to Peggy....at the age of 22....so they plot to kill her. Meanwhile, Peggy is seeking out the friendship of the gardner, who pays more attention to her that her aunt and uncle. That evening, Peggy tells her "new folks" that Grandma came to see her and told her that the gardner was a fine man to associate with....but her aunt and uncle say NO! The next day, all three go on a picnic and Uncle Lawrence sees an opportunity to push Peggy off a cliff. Unfortunately, he goes over the cliff instead when Peggy "sees" her Grandma and moves out of the way. Later that day, Aunt Helen is already counting the fortune as hers, and grabs Peggy by the arm to the basement, opens the furnace door to push her in when Peggy sees her Grandma again.....as does Helen....and Helen falls back into the flames! Peggy then becomes the responsibility of the gardner.
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.
Revenge Is the Nuts!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William Gaines; Al Feldstein
Graham Ingels
Graham Ingels
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Old Witch (host); Doctor Blackpool
At the eerie Croydon Insane Asylum, horrible screams are heard as patients are being whipped, and as Mr. Aldershot, a relative of a patient, is in Blackpool's office in response to a letter from his patient-relative. Blackpool tells him that these people are filled with evil spirits and his "treatments" are the only way to deal with the patients...and he kicks the man out. Blackpool then retreats to the dungeon-basement area and has the patient taken back to the ward, where the other patients are shocked by what has happened. As days drag by, Blackpool continues to tease and mistreat the patients, unknowing that the patients have decided to strike back. That evening, as Blackpool sat in his office, the door bursts in and the patients drag him to the dungeon, and to the cell of an insane patient named Olaf [many times maltreated himself], and gleefully watch as Olaf tears him apart!
Writer credits confirmed by Johnny Craig (1982).
That's A 'Croc'

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Vault-Keeper (inset); The Crypt-Keeper (inset); The Old Witch (inset)
Title comes from the story on which the cover is based.
One Last Fling!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror!
The Vault-Keeper (host); Olga (villain, Harry's wife, a vampire, death); Harry (knife thrower, death)
A knife-throwing act in Hungary was extremely popular. Harry woke up the next day and couldn't rouse Olga, whom he thought was dead. He made burial arrangements, then discovered that Olga was a vampire. Harry decided the act would change and go to America where Harry became her victim. She continued to feed on him, until one night, at the end of the knife-throwing act, he announced he was going to commit a murder, then threw a wooden stake at his wife's heart before collapsing in death on the stage!
Letterer credit by Craig Delich.
That's a 'Croc'!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Howard Larsen [as Larsen] (signed)
Howard Larsen [as Larsen] (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Old Witch (host); "Crazy" Coogan (zoo-keeper)
At the local zoo, people crowd around the newest attraction: a pit with four crocodiles in it, and along comes Mr. Coogan, the zoo keeper and lover of these ferocious animals, to feed them their daily ration of meat. But when a young boy reminds him that these animals are MAN eaters and maybe they don't like being fed other types of meat, it makes him stop and think. That evening, he heads to town and kills someone and feeds them to his charges. Meanwhile, at the home of Norman Simms, family members discover him to be missing and they begin to backtrack his steps to locate him, without success. Back at the zoo, "Crazy" Coogan is over-seeing the cleaning of the crocodile pit when one of the men, Lou, discovers a ring on the floor and pockets it secretly. Later, in town, Lou stops in for a drink and sits down next to Norman Simm's relative, who has just learned others have disappeared in town mysteriously....then he sees Simm's ring on the finger of Lou, who tells him where he got it. Two and two are added together, and the angry men in the bar head for the zoo to confront Coogan. When Coogan sees them coming, he jumps into the crocodile pit, thinking these creatures will protect him.....instead, they devour him!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.
Now or Never!

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William M. Gaines
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Subject Matter
horror, military, war
Lt. Edward Cragg
His submarine, "The Dolphin," was stuck in the muck 40 fathoms underneath the sea after completing gunnery practice. But Lt. Edward Cragg was determined to survive this situation, even if the others aboard didn't. There was just enough compressed gas to fire the torpedo tube once more, and he ordered his crew to fire him through the tube to the surface to get help. They did as he requested, but his speed slacked off to get to the surface.....and as he looked back, he discovered to his horror that the blast had freed his sub and it was rising to the surface. And the last thing saw through the glass into the ship were his men, in formation, saluting him!
This text story was printed on the inner halves of the two pages, with EC house ads to either side. One side promoted Weird Fantasy #9 [with a cover by Al Feldstein], while the other side promoted the Picture Stories From the Bible line: the Complete Old & New Testaments, the Old Testament #1-2 and the New Testament #1 [all with covers].

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Subject Matter
The Vault-Keeper's Corner
The Vault-Keeper [cameo]
In this issue's column, VK first pushes the photos of the three GhouLunatics for 25 cents, then provides results of reader's voting on the last issue's stories. Then letters from Laurence Finley, Joan Shaffer and Al Munchen are printed, followed by a plea NOT to buy other company's imitation mags.
Child's Play

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (host); Milton Collins; Emma Collins
As a group of boys were playing football in front of Mr. Collin's house, they were rudely told by him to get away from the front of his home or he'd call the Police. So they moved down the street, but when the football accidently fell into his yard, he wouldn't give it back. Later. Collin's wife, Emma, gave it back to the boys when Milton was asleep.....but he found out and slapped his wife around. The next day, as the boys were passing by the Collin's home, they yearned for some apples off his tree, but when they attempted to get a few, he came out, took his belt off and was going to hit them when his wife came out to put a stop to it.....and Collin's struck her instead. The next day, feeling sorry for Emma Collins, the boys waited until Milton left and then went to the door to surprise her with some candy.....but they were told she was dead. The next day, they watched the funeral and interment from a distance....and then plotted to scare the pants off Mr. Collins. That night, as Collins was resting on his backporch, he glimpsed movement in the darkness and an eerie voice, purporting to be that of his wife, began calling to him. As he walked out into the yard, a ghostly apparition suddenly appeared, asking him why he had killed her. He apologized for doing it, then pitched forward....stone dead!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Crypt of Terror
The Crypt-Keeper (host); Marty
Inside a moving railroad boxcar, Marty rolled over and grabbed his black bag as he spied a new person inside the car. Just as they passed the Smoky Mountains, and the stranger told Marty that those parts were deserted because the area was haunted, they heard a noise and saw a rail policeman nearing them....so they jumped from the train, killing the stranger. Marty got to his feet and began walking in the chilly air until he came to a farmhouse, occupied by an old man. The man invites him in....but Marty kills him as he is telling Marty that he has lived there for ten years and feels like he is a part of the land. Marty drags the corpse out and buries it, then begins to explore the crude farm he had commandeered when a tree falls, nearly hitting him. He runs back to the house, followed by a mysterious fly that had appeared while he was burying the old man.....a fly who buzz sounded like a scream! Marty grabs some flypaper out of a cupboard and catches the fly on it....but decides the place IS cursed, so he grabs his bag and runs out of the cabin....right into the wet earth where he had buried the old man. Marty found his feet strangely stuck to it and he pitched forward into it. The more he struggled, the tighter he was held.....just like he was caught in flypaper!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.
Frankenstein Monster!

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Vault-Keeper (inset); The Crypt-Keeper (inset); The Old Witch (inset); The Frankenstein Monster
Fountains of Youth!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig
Johnny Craig
Johnny Craig
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror!
The Vault-Keeper (host); Kenneth Martin; Eileen Martin (Kenneth's sister, death); Miss Blanchard; Madam DuBois (villain, death)
Eileen responds to a newspaper ad asking for a traveling companion for a heavily veiled Madam DuBois, who is traveling abroad, even though her brother Ken is not too happy with the idea. Then she and Madam DuBois board a cruise ship. Unfortunately, Eileen mysteriously passes away, and Ken investigates. A shipboard doctor informs him that Madam DuBois is similar to a human vampire, who prolongs its life by sapping the youth of their victims. By the time the pair get to DuBois' cabin, her next victim is already withering and dying before their eyes!
Letterer credit by Craig Delich.
The Monster in the Ice!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Graham Ingels [as Ghastly] (signed)
Graham Ingels [as Ghastly] (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Old Witch (host); The Frankenstein Monster; Gerald Dawson and Herbert Campbell (geologists)
As Gerald Dawson sits as his desk in a shack in the Arctic, Herbert Campbell enters, telling him that their Eskimo guide refuses to take them any further. Dawson goes to see Lomo in his igloo, and the Eskimo tells him of the monster in the ice, and that no one who sees it comes back in their right mind. Dawson & Campbell rig up a dog-sled and go to the site, spot the monster and dig its ice-encased body out and take it back to their shack. They show the body in ice to Lomo and he freezes in fear, especially when he is ordered to chip the body out of the ice! While that is happening, Dawson and Campbell kick back, telling themselves that this whole thing reminds them of Mary Shelly's book about Frankenstein. Suddenly, they hear a scream and a crash, and enter the adjoining room and see the window broken out and Lomo shaking in fear. Now they know the creature must be put back into the ice, so they go out and dig through the ice to water, and they hope to lure the monster into the trap. The monster shows up....jumps into the hole and drags both men down with him. One year later, the U.S. Air Force decides to build a base near that very spot and two airmen happen to spot the bodies trapped in the ice. So......they start digging out the bodies to see what they can determine what happened to them.....
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William M. Gaines
Subject Matter
He had been sentenced to ten years in the sweltering cells of El Malein Prison out in the Sahara, but he knew he couldn't make it. As the airplane he was in flew nearer to that prison site, he jumped out of the plane and pulled the ripcord on his parachute. He landed, and for the next five days, he braved the heat and whipping sand, trying to find water. Then, he saw the tall pond fronds that indicated an oasis, and it renewed his waning strength. Just then, the fronds disappeared; it had all been a mirage! But he made his choice and he still had his freedom: the freedom to die in agony!
This text story was printed on the inner halves of the two pages, with EC house ads to either side. One promoted Weird Fantasy #10 [with an Al Feldstein cover], while the other ads [with covers] promoted the Picture Stories From the Bible series: the Complete Old and New Testaments, the Old Testament #1-2 and the New Testament #1.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Subject Matter
The Vault-Keeper's Corner
The Vault-Keeper (head view)
VK's column begins with his campaign against the Old Witch and Graham Ingels, and a mock letter from his local draft board, followed by the reader's popularity poll for last issue's stories. Letters from: Ellen Louise Phillips, Joe Carroll, Rand Rensvold. Followed by the promoting of the photos of the three GhouLunatics!
Gone... Fishing!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Crypt of Terror
The Crypt-Keeper (host); Maxwell Larkin; Steven
Maxwell and Steven's car rolled up to the water's edge, and they got out to unload their equipment. Max was a noted sport-fisherman, but Steven hated the sport, which he considered cruelty to animals. Max outfitted his reel with the latest gadgets and cast into the water....soon he got a strike and reeled in his beauty. Steven, sick to his stomach, went back to the car and drove off. Max cast again, but then realized that the car contained the sandwich he had brought for lunch. But he spotted a candy bar lying on the beach and reached over to pick it up and shoved it in his mouth, never noticing the thin, silky, nearly invisible thread attached to it. It grew taut, and pulled Max into the water, just as Steven drove back up to the site. He got out, wondering where Max was....then he saw the horrible sight of Max bobbing up out of the water....being drawn farther and farther out to sea!
What the Dog Dragged In!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Ray Bradbury (original short story); Al Feldstein (adaptation)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Jack Kamen (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror!
The Vault-Keeper (host); Betty Marsh; Jerry the dog; Roger Cartwright
Blind Betty's dog Jerry is hit by a car but cared for by wealthy Roger Cartwright, who returned her dog to her. Betty was happy to have company and invited him back, which he did and they soon grew quite close. One day, as Roger left her house in his car, he didn't see the truck coming from the other direction. Betty sent Jerry after him and day after day Jerry returned without Roger. Until one day Jerry came in with Roger.
Unauthorized adaptation of Ray Bradbury's short story "The Emissary."
Staired in Horror

Cover Reprint (on Interior Page)  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Vault-Keeper (inset); The Old Witch (inset); The Crypt-Keeper (inset)
Title was taken from the story from which the cover was based.
Graham Ingels

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
? (photograph)
? (photograph)
Subject Matter
Artist of the Issue
Graham Ingels (photo)
Biography of artist "Ghastly" Graham Ingels.
A Stitch in Time!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror!
The Vault-Keeper (host); sweatshop workers; Mr. Lasch (villain, sweatshop owner, death)
An old-fashioned sweatshop, run by Mr. Lasch, makes the women work 14 hours a day, 6 days a week, for a salary of $6, using dangerous, outdated machinery, and being treated like slaves. Complainers were forced to go the "scrap box”: a place where scraps of cloth and thread were thrown together and they would have to untangle it all and re-spool the thread: a job that usually drove the woman insane. But they had a plan to get even, much to Mr. Lasch's regret!
Letterer credit by Craig Delich.
99 44/100% Pure Horror!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Crypt of Terror
The Crypt-Keeper (host); Ernie Mattson
Life had been good to Ernie ever since he had become manager of the Hudson Soap Company, and his predecessor, Benny Anderson, had disappeared. He suddenly remembered a date he had with a showgirl, although he couldn't remember her name, and ran off the the bathroom to clean up. He discovered that he had no soap EXCEPT the many cakes of soap in his kitchen cabinet....soap he couldn't use because it contained the remains of Benny! Still, as he took one of the cakes of soap anyway, he mused about how Beeny had been his boss, really giving him a hard time in the soap plant....until one day he knifed Benny and threw his body in the rending vat, and made bars of soap out of him. The best thing is that no one could prove what had really happened to Benny. Yessir, Ernie was on easy street, as he drank a toast to Benny, then removed his robe and entered the shower. After lathering up, Ernie made the mistake of rubbing his eyes....they were set on fire and he fumbled at the faucets, accidently turning off the cold water. Now in scalding hot water, he reaches for the shower door, but slips on the soap and breaks his leg. As the stall begins to fill up with water, Enie reaches for the handle to the shower door again....but it's just out of reach, and the stall fills up with water, drowning Ernie. Later, when he was found, it was noted that the soap was clogging the drain!

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
William M. Gaines
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Subject Matter
Matison was just 200 yards from the sacred Zalunga temple during the secret rituals of the tribe, which meant certain death if he was discovered. When most of the tribe moved away from the area, he crept up on a lone guard, killed him and dragged him inside the temple, determined to photograph the proceedings. Hearing the Chief and the tribe returning, he spotted a platform with a coffin and decided to hide inside and film away. At the height of the ceremony, the Chief spotted him, Matison let out a scream, then realized that the casket he was in was going to be sacrificed to their gods.
The text story is found on the inner halves of the two pages, with EC house ads to either side. One side promoted Shock SuspenStories #1 [with a cover by Al Feldstein], while the other promoted, with covers, the Complete Old and New Testaments from the Picture Stories of the Bible series, Picture Stories From World History #2 and Picture Stories From Science #2.

Letters Page  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Johnny Craig (illustration)
Subject Matter
The Vault-Keeper's Corner
The Vault-Keeper (head view)
VK begins his colume promoting the 1st issue of Shock SuspenStories, telling a little about each story therein and the artists who drew them. Then he talks about the next "EC Artist of the Issue," Jack Kamen, which appears in the Haunt of Fear #11, and finally again pushes the photos of the three GhouLunatics for 25 cents.
The bottom half of this page features The Statement of Ownership, which lists Frank D. Lee as Business Manager.
Dead Wait!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein
Jack Davis (signed)
Jack Davis (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Vault of Horror
The Vault-Keeper (host); 'Red' Buckley
In an isolated plantation home on a tropic isle, a shot rings out and 'Red' Buckley's former plantation boss lies dead at his feet. In the shadows, a native, Kulu, watches Buckley get into the home's safe and him remove a black pearl, then they enter a boat for a three day trip to Banggai, then passage on a steamer. As the lights of the plantation fade in the distance, Buckley recalls the day four years ago he came to work there for a Frenchman named Duval. When Buckley hears Duval speak of a black pearl, he decides he must have it, and arranges with Kulu for an escape route once he obtains it. As Kulu paddles down the river, Buckley tells Kulu he will be paid off at Banggai.....then 'Red' discovers that they are heading for a village instead. When Buckley turns around to question the native, Kulu kills him with a machette....and proudly walks into the village with HIS prize: a human head with red hair!
Staired... in Horror!

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Al Feldstein (co-plot, script); Bill Gaines (co-plot)
Graham Ingels [as Ghastly] (signed)
Graham Ingels [as Ghastly] (signed)
Jim Wroten
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Old Witch (host); Irma Leechman; Robert Hornsby
Irma stared down at the grave of her late husband and smiled....just as a gentleman came near to pay respects to his late wife. As the two conversed, Irma gleaned that this old boy must have money, so she struck up an on-going affair with this Mr. Hornsby, and plotted to have him murdered for his insurance.....just the way she murdered her first husband, Herman, for his! Soon, Robert popped the question and Irma accepted, and after their marriage, they went to his palatial country estate. But suddenly, as she looked up the carpeted winding staircase, the scene came back to her of the lighthouse steps she went up with Herman....and where she pushed him over the railing to his death! Soon the bickering started....Robert wanted to still visit his former wife's grave and Irma forbid it, eventually leading to his very ill health. Then one night, Robert bolted from his bed for the cemetery to visit his beloved Ethyl one more time, where he died from a fatal heart attack on her grave. Back at the estate, Iram was contemplating tearing out the spiral staircase when she looked up to see the the rotting corpses of Herman and Ethyl coming at her. She raced up the spiral steps to escape into the balcony bedroom when she remembered that she had had them sealed shut! In the morning, all that was found were the remains of two rotting corpses, and the body of Irma.....smashed into tiny little pieces!
Script credit from Tales of Terror: The EC Companion.
Russ Cochran Presents the Complete EC Library

Promotional Material (from Publisher)  on  Interior Page(s)
Staired in Horror

Illustration  on  Interior Page(s)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Johnny Craig (signed)
Subject Matter
The Witch's Cauldron!
The Vault-Keeper (inset); The Old Witch (inset); The Crypt-Keeper (inset)
On back cover.
Title was taken from the story from which the cover was based.

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