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Publisher: Pearson
Years in Operation: 1897 - 1962
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Country: Flag United Kingdom Web Site: Brands: 1 Indicia Publishers: 2 Series: 44 Printings: 2000 (1984 Issues) Disclose Notes: Founded by C.Arthur Pearson in 1890. Publishers of Pearson's Weekly (1890-1939), and other magazines and newspapers.   Does this data need corrections? Become an editor.
Series Name Years in Print Issues (Printings)
Air War Picture Stories {Comic Books} 1961 - 1962 56 (57)
Big Budget {Comic Books} 1897 - 1909 614
Big Budget Holiday Supplement {Comic Books} 1898 - 1
Christmas Comic {Comic Books} 1931 - 1935 5
Christmas Holiday Comic {Comic Books} 1936 - 1939 4
Comet {Comic Books} 1909 - 14
Continental Film Photo Stories {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may exist.
1960 - ? 2
Dan Leno's Comic Journal {Comic Books} 1898 - 1899 93
Emergency-Ward 10 {Comic Books} 1959 - 1960 20
English Heart Beat Picture Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: This series was printed with variant covers including Australian pricing for distribution in Australia. It is not listed in Denis Gifford's The Complete Catalogue of British Comics.
1965 - 1966 11
Film Picture Library {Comic Books} 1959 - 3
Funny Pips {Comic Books} 1903 - 16
Glamour Library {Comic Books} 1950 - ? 2
Heroic Adventure Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may exist.
1964 - 1964 8 (9)
Holiday Comic {Comic Books} 1931 - 1939 7
Hospital Nurse Picture Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may remain to be documented.
1964 - ? 42
Jolly Jumbo's Christmas Holiday Comic {Comic Books} 1934 - 1
Marty {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Silver Star merged into Marty in late 1960/early 1961. Marty merged into Mirabelle.
1960 - 1963 162
Mirabelle Pop, Film and TV Star Library {Comic Books} 1959 - ? 9
Monster Comic {Comic Books} 1939 - 2
The New Glamour {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Merged into Mirabelle from 7 October 1958. A previous Pearson series called 'Glamour' (725 issues, 1942-1956) had no comics. On 16 October 1956 they relaunched with a new #1 title "The New Glamour" with some comics. The title later changed back to 'Glamour' at some point and used dates only (without issue numbering). The series seems to be generally referred to with the "New" to differentiate it from the previous series. A split might be required when more information is known about title changes.
1956 - 1958 103
Photo Romances {Comic Books} 1960 - ? 6
Picture Romance Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Issues of this series are often referenced as having 'no number' but this is rarely true. The issue number is typically listed in small print at the back of the book under the indicia (for example, 'PR/254/5/63' for issue number 254 from May 1963). Due to the cryptic and obscure position of the issue number, issues in this series are typically referenced by title instead of the issue number.
1956 - ? 414 (415)
Picture Stories of World War II {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may remain to be recorded.
1960 - ? 85 (88)
Private-Eye Picture Stories {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Pearson's Picture Libraries are noted for being difficult to index. This is particularly true of this series. This series started in January 1963 with two issues: The Rats of Paris (PEP/1/1/63) and Truth in the Sky (PEP/2/1/63) numbered 1 and 2. No issues were published in February 1963 (that can be traced), and in March the series starts again from number 1 with The China Sea Mystery(PEP/1/3/63). The last issue in the series is Vengeance of the Goddess (PEP/16/10/63) which is the 18th issue.
1963 - ? 18 (20)
Sea War Picture Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may remain to be documented. Some, if not all issues were also printed in New Zealand on behalf of the publisher Pearson in 1962 by D. Organ Ltd. of Auckland. These had the same covers but with a cover price of 1/3d. No issue nos. are visible.
1962 - 29
Seaside Comic {Comic Books} 1930 - 1939 10
Secret Agent Picture Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may remain to be documented.
1961 - ? 20
Silver Star Library {Comic Books} 1950 - ? 4
Sparkle {Comic Books} 1953 - 1954 14
Spring Comic {Comic Books} 1932 - 1934 3
Summer Comic {Comic Books} 1932 - 1938 4
Summer Holiday Comic {Comic Books} 1935 - 1
Sunny Sands {Comic Books} 1939 - 1
T. V. Picture Stories {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: The interior text of some issues call this title "T.V. Picture Series". Denis Gifford in 'The Complete Catalogue of British Comics' reports that some issues have the T.V. Picture Stories (TVPS) logo but are not part of this anthology series. These include: - The Buccaneers: #1 (followed by TVPS #6); - Emergency-Ward 10: #1-#5 (followed by #6, which does not have the TVPS logo, but see additional note below); - Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans: #1-#4 (followed by TVPS #2); - New Adventures of Charlie Chan: #1-#4 (followed by TVPS #3); - O.S.S.: #1-#5 (followed by TVPS #5); - Sword of Freedom #1 (followed by TVPS #4). Only a few issues have numbers on the front cover and no issues have explicit dates. Issues typically have a code number on the last story page that indicates the issue number and the month/year of publication. Emergency Ward 10 was part of this series for the first four issues of the title. In February 1959 it was split from TV Picture Stories into its own series with issue 5. Neither the Emergency Ward 10 series nor TV Picture Stories advertised each other in their pages from this point.
1958 - 1959 57 (60)
Tit-Bits Science Fiction Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Pearson only released 6 issues of Tit-Bits SF in the UK, but they had a planned a seventh, which they cancelled. However, Ron Turner had already done it, so when Pearson sold the reprint rights to Chateaudun (France), this issue went with it. This 7th issue has NEVER been done in English, and corresponds to # 21 in the Aventures de Demain series.
1953 - 1954 6
Tit-Bits Wild West Comics {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Six known issues, with interior art by George Ratcliff and by Norman Light. No numbering on covers, and no usual Pearson coding on the rear page - it is anyones guess in which order they appeared.
1953 - 1954 6
TV Photo Stories {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: There were two issues each featuring O.S.S and William Tell.
1960 - 1960 6
Western Picture Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: This series ran from number 1 in April 1958(WPL1/9/58) until number 92 in July 1962 (WPL92/7/62). Pearson later reused this series title for a new series in 1965.
1958 - 1965 92 (96)
Western Picture Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: This series started in March 1965 (WPL/P1/3/65), three years after the first series ended. Only four issues have thus far been traced, but may have devolved into a western text series with continuous numbering.
1965 - 1965 4 (5)
Whoopee {Comic Books} 1962 - 1
Wild West Picture Stories {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: More issues may remain to be documented.
1960 - ? 1
Yellow Star Library {Comic Books} 1950 - ? 1
Young Lovers Picture Story Library {Comic Books} Disclose
Note: Denis Gifford's The Complete Catalogue of British Comics reports issue 1 as 1958 but does not indicate a total number of issues or end date. Issues of this series have no number on the cover, but include a code with an issue number on the last page next to the indicia. The series was printed with versions that have different cover prices for the UK, Australia and possibly other countries.
1958 - 1959 26

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