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Issue: Turok, Son of Stone #7
Disclose Detail
Variant: unnamed
Publisher: FlagDell
Brand: DellView Brand Images2
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On Sale Date: (not set)
Pages: 36
ISBN: none
UPC/EAN: none
Price: $0.10 USD
Indicia Frequency:
Content Items: 8 (4 stories, 1 cover)
Editor(s): ?
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Disclose Format
Publication Type: Comic Book
Color: color
Dimensions: standard Silver Age US
Paper Stock: glossy cover; newsprint interior
Binding: saddle-stitched
Publishing Format: was ongoing series
Format Notes:  
Disclose Reprinted From0
There is currently no data for this Issue being reprinted from anywhere.
Disclose Images2
Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Cover, Front
Original Artwork
Digital Edition
Adult Image
Title Page
Indicia on this Page

Illustration  on  Cover, Front
Mo Gollub (painting)
Mo Gollub (painting)
Mo Gollub (painting)
Subject Matter
science fiction
Turok, Son of Stone
Turok; Andar; Stegosaurus
Andar cowers behind Turok who wields a spiked ball-headed war-club to ward off a curious Stegosaurus.
FlagThe Original Turok, Son of Stone #2 published May 1995
as Turok, Son of Stone #7 cover reprint [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as Turok, Son of Stone #7 Cover [Cover Reprint (on Interior Page) on Interior Page(s)]

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Gaylord Du Bois
Subject Matter
"Bronty" the Brontosaurus
Information about Brontosaurus the dinosaur. Four illustrated panels with captions.
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as Brontosaurus [Filler on Interior Page(s)]
Friend of the Wolf

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Gaylord Du Bois
Bob Correa
Bob Correa
Subject Matter
science fiction
Turok, Son of Stone
Turok; Andar; Ski-Yu (their pet wolf pup); Nahunk; Lanok
Chief Nahunk is angry at Ski-Yu, who chewed his new axe handle. Turok, Andar and Ski-Yu depart the mesa rather than have conflict with their friends of the mesa. A cave leads to a different canyon. Ski-Yu drives off an inquisitive Stegosaurus, saving a frightened stone-age woman and her child. She tells her tribe, who bring presents of food to Turok and Andar. They now have new friends.
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as Friend of the Wolf [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Script credit from Randall Scott's "Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books Sorted by Title." Indicative of the series' origin as an intended dinosaur valley one-shot of "Young Hawk" (the "Lone Ranger" comic book series' back-up feature about an American Indian youth, Young Hawk, and his companion, Little Buck), this story begins, "In a prehistoric canyon, Turok and Andar -- two Indian youths ..." The artists had long since established Turok as an adult. As to whether Du Bois knew Turok was being presented as an adult: Du Bois wrote the stories well in advance of their being published, and it was the practice to communicate with his editor, not the artist. Du Bois: "I have nothing to do with choosing the artist, as he is chosen by the Art Editor. The artist is free to use or not to use my instructions for each panel. Sometimes he changes the picture I described, to suit his own idea or that of the Art Editor." For all we know, Du Bois was writing the stories for Turok #7 about Turok and Andar as Young Hawk and Little Buck by other names, unaware of the artistic change of age that had taken place in the title character. Young Hawk was a boy. Turok was (in the illustrations depicting him) an adult. ~ D. Porta.
Art identification by Alberto Becattini (January 2011).
Lotor Goes House Hunting

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Gaylord Du Bois
Subject Matter
Lotor the Raccoon
A cloudburst floods Lotor's den. He leads his family out. Dinosaurs attack. Lotor beats one dinosaur; they run from another. Mother raccoon selects a tree with a hole in it for the family. "Mother has picked the prize apartment this time! No floods can drown it. No snoopy reptiles can crawl inside!"
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as Lotor Goes House Hunting [Story on Interior Page(s)]
Tusks of the Mammoth

Text Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Gaylord Du Bois
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Subject Matter
adventure, historical
The village expels Ontok the hunter because Boromp, the mad bull Mammoth, seeks revenge against Ontok, who wounded him. Ontok promises to return to the village with Boromp's tusks; he tricks Boromp off a cliff.
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as Tusks of the Mammoth [Text Story on Interior Page(s)]
Written by Gaylord Du Bois as: "Tusks of the Mastedon."
Script credit from Randall Scott's "Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books Sorted by Title."
The Angry River

Story  on  Interior Page(s)
Gaylord Du Bois
Bob Correa
Bob Correa
Subject Matter
science fiction
Turok, Son of Stone
Turok; Andar; Ski-Yu (their dog)
Water-carriers from the people of the mesa are attacked by a T-Rex as they fetch water below. Turok and Andar fell the T-Rex, but savages attack from upstream. The T-Rex revives, and the raiders retreat. Turok and Andar visit the people of the mesa ("The whole mesa top is a big garden, Turok; THAT'S what they needed all the water for"), then trail the raiders to a natural rock formation, a bridge spanning the gorge. The raiders have amassed a war-party. T-Rex appears. A flash-flood wipes out the bridge, dinosaurs, and the war-party.
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as The Angry River [Story on Interior Page(s)]
The Secret of Fire

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Gaylord Du Bois
Subject Matter
Speculates on the origin and development of prehistoric man's use of fire.
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as The Secret of Fire [Filler on Interior Page(s)]
Inside back cover.
Script credit from Randall Scott's "Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books Sorted by Title."

Text Article  on  Interior Page(s)
Gaylord Du Bois
? (illustration)
? (illustration)
Subject Matter
informational, nature
Dimetrodon bites Edapohosaurus' nape.
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #1 published November 1966
as Dimetrodon [Story on Interior Page(s)]
FlagTurok, Son of Stone #2 published July 2009
as Dimetrodon [Filler on Interior Page(s)]
Back cover.
Script credit from Randall Scott's "Gaylord Du Bois's Account Books Sorted by Title."

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