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Publisher: A-Plus Comics
Years in Operation: 1987 - 1991
Disclose Detail
Country: Flag Canada Web Site: Brands: 2 Indicia Publishers: 2 Series: 19 Printings: 31 Disclose Notes: Roger Broughton was the Publisher (1987-1991)

- Address
5578 Cypihot
Ville St-laurent, Quebec, Canada, H4S 1V7

- Previous Address: (Sword In Stone Productions, 1990)
16130 West Site#5
St-Genevieve, Quebec, Canada H9H 1C8

- Previous Address: (Sword In Stone Productions, 1990)
338 St-Antoine St. East
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H9H 1C8.

- Previous Address: (Sword In Stone Productions, 1987-1988)
16130 Gouin West
St-Genevieve, Quebec, Canada, H9H 1C8.

- Overview
After publishing Corbo #1 in 1987, Sword In Stone Productions (in 1988) bought parts of the comic book division of Charlton Publications, which had effectively ceased publishing in 1986. In 1989, Roger Broughton (publisher of Sword In Stone) then bought the rights to past American Comics Group material. Almost all the material published under this A-Plus imprint, which started in 1990, are reprints from those two companies. Starting in the mid-1990's Broughton began publishing from those same sources of material under the name America's Comic Group (ACG)/Avalon Communications.

All the books with dates of 1990 are 10.5 inches tall while issues with dates of 1991 are only 10 inches tall.
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