This is a complete version history of the site for the year 2015. Other years are available by using the links listed just below.
You can also use the "Calendar Quarters" rollover menu, just below also, to quickly jump to individual periods within the year. With the increased usage of "incremental updates" within the site beginning in late 2012, and increasing signficantly in 2013, we have begun organizing this information now into "posting dates" for individual changes within the site. Version number updates in the site have now decreased meaning though will continue to be tracked.
As of the late summer of 2012, implemented a system to update the web site more quickly and efficiently with new features and upgrades. These "incremental" updates are what often comprise now the full listing of features in each new version of the site.
You can see quite easily how quickly the site has progressed. Your feedback has driven this success and rapid development!
Note, the second half of 2015 saw the development of some extensive revisions and additions to the My Collection section of the site. As it progressed, the expansive changes required made it easier for us to "slip" on site versions until development and testing was complete (towards the end of February, 2016).
Corrected bug with the saving of Favorite Pages. [posted 20150101]
Corrected bug with the saving of Edit All for an Issue. [posted 20150101]
Moved all items in the main navigation bar rollover menus to now use submenus, as applicable. Added icons to individual menu items, as applicable. [posted 20150102]
Reorganized all of the My Collection documents, particularly for the modal interface, in discrete directories for easier maintenance moving forward. [posted 20150104]
Updated the interface in all of the My Collection modal interface to flow more consistently with the remainder of the site. [posted 20150104]
Added modal interface to any instance in which an Issue is added to My Collection (both to My Haves and My Wants) to set immediately all of the attributes for the addition. [posted 20150104]
Cleaned up a few of the glaring inconsistencies, and redundancies, on the listing pages of My Collection. [posted 20150104]
Corrected display problem in the listing area when searching for Publishers. [posted 20150105]
Corrected saving error when saving values for Series Continued From or Series Continued In. [posted 20150105]
Increased maximum length of Notes for Issues in My Collection, both My Haves and My Wants, from 100 characters to 500 characters. Did the same for the Description for My Boxes in My Collection. [posted 20150106]
Increased maximum length of Names for boxes in My Boxes of My Collection from 20 characters to 100 characters. [posted 20150106]
Added session storage and restoration of state for the "Stay on this Page" interface within all editor tools. [posted 20150108]
Added session storage and restoration of last selected Issue in the Move editor tools within the ETI. [posted 20150108]
Ran update routine to correctly set the first Issue within Series where it had been set incorrectly before (from an old bug early in the site). [posted 20150109]
Reorganized the Pages and Title columns on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page, swapping each between the view they were on; the Pages column is now on the Detailed Data View and the Title column is now on the Additional Data View. Expanded the display for the Content Items Counts column in the Detailed Data View. [posted 20150110]
Removed the Prices column and added the Pages column to the Issues Images View of the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [posted 20150110]
Moved all of the editor tools in the listing area of the Series Detail, Issues Listing page into a single rollover tools menu. Added the editor tools into the Issues Images View. [posted 20150110]
Cleaned the Sort Issues and Delete Many Issues editor pages to be more consistent with the Detail Data View. [posted 20150110]
Updated admin tools for reversing Editor Changes in which the administrative rejection value was not being set properly. Updated all existing data to correct previous erroneous values set from this bug in the data. [posted 20150111]
Correct bug with adding an Issue to My Haves of My Collection in which the Condition was not set properly in the interface. [posted 20150112]
Updated ETI library for selecting Brand in full data hierarchy. [20150115]
Updated all Brand details pages to display Forwarding information for Brands in the detail area for editors that have access to Brands Extras. [20150115]
Implemented editor tool to set forwarding data in Brands using the new interface addition to the ETI library. [20150115]
Tightened interface elements for modal interfaces, standardizing more clearly much of the CSS. [20150117]
Added Edit Many editor tool for Page Count and Page Count Uncertain values on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150120]
Update display support for when No Title is set for an Issue on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150121]
Added Edit Many editor tool for Title and No Title values on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150121]
Added Edit Many editor tool for Indicia Frequency and No Indicia Frequency values on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150121]
Added Edit Many editor tool for UPC/EAN and No UPC/EAN values on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150121]
Added Edit Many editor tool for Brand and No Brand values on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150122]
Added Edit Many editor tool for Indicia Publisher and No Indicia Publisher values on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150122]
Added Edit Many editor tool for ISBN and No ISBN values on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150122]
Updated the Group Edit editor tool for ISBNs to allow now for the setting of the ISBN values and not just the No ISBN values. [20150122]
Added support for shift-click in interface for checkboxes on Edit My Haves page. [20150127]
Added format support for the currencies: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Maltese Lira (MTL), and Maltese Pound (MTP). [20150127]
Cleaned up small data inconsistency wherein the Indicia Frequency contained the word "none". Ran update routine to clear out the Indicia Frequency value for these Issues and set the No Indicia Frequency column. [20150128]
Upgraded PHP to latest 5.6.x release branch from 5.5.x. Update in development was done previously for thorough testing before deployment. [20150129]
Increased the maximum length of the Caption attribute for Brand Images from 50 characters to 100 characters. [20150130]
Modified the editor tools for all of the Brand Image attributes (i.e. Caption, Notes, and Primary) to integrate them all into a single interface. This simplifies considerably the editor tools for Brand Images and streamlines the management of this data. [20150130]
Reorganized the editor tools for Brand Images on the Brand Detail page to be consistent with the Issue Images tools on the Issue Detail page. Basically, all of the tools have been moved into a rollover menu that is displayed when a Brand Image is pointed at by a user with editor privileges on Brand Images. [20150130]
Cleaned up considerably the display of Brand Images on the Brand Detail page, correcting all outstanding layout, alignment, bordering, margin, and flow problems with this area of the page. Removed the disclosure interface for the Notes attributes on Brand Images while doing this (it seemed fairly pointless, actually). [20150130]
Added entry of the Sortable Name to the editor tool for Add Series. [20150130]
Removed the inclusion of Series with a Publication Type of Comic Strip from the editor Task report for Unpositioned Issue Images. [20150130]
Updated the Editor Tools Interface (ETI) library of code to fully support the option to include, or not include, the display of Issue Variants when a selection interface in the library includes Issue selection. This is purely a code addition for future feature expansion. [20150131]
Migrated the Move Up editor tool for Issue Images to now use the ETI library. [20150131]
Removed issue navigation from the bottom of all Issue Detail pages. [20150203]
Added preference setting for Showing Issue Variants in Listings to allow for the site to remember the last state of showing Issue Variants in listing area. [20150203]
Added menu item in the rollover menu for Issue navigation on the Issue Detail pages to "Show Variants". This option will show Issue Variants in the Issue navigation rollover menu and in the modal interface, when enabled. This feature dynamically reloads when (de)selected on the page. [20150203]
Added preference Show Issue Variants in Navigation with the options of "Always", "Never", and "Remember". [20150203]
Added session cookie for visitors to automatically remember the hide/show state of showing Issue Variants in the Issue navigation. By default, Issue Variants are not shown in the navigation. [20150203]
Added Previous Issue Variant and Next Issue Variant navigation to the Issue Detail pages. [20150203]
Added code for Progressive Importing (PrImp library). First code added for this new import methodology was for Publshers, though have not run it in production as of yet. [20150205]
Created database tracking structure to retain historical information on import progressions. [20150206]
Created database columns for Editor's Notes and Needs Updating indicators for all objects in the core database. [20150206]
Added Editor Tool for viewing and editing the new Editor's Notes and Needs Updating data on the Detail page for each object in the site (i.e. Publishers, Brands, Indicia Publishers, Series, and Issues). Visual indicator displayed directly on the page over the Tools rollover menu for Editors when the flag for Needs Updating is set. [20150206]
Corrected bug with the saving of reset value for Issue Forwarding. [20150207]
Migrated the Move Up editor tool for Issues to now use the ETI library. This change drops support for My Whiteboard in the tool (something that will be done throughout the site). [20150208]
Corrected error condition with the creation and display of Issue navigation on the Issue Detail page if the current Issue is marked as deleted. [20150208]
Completely deprecated the My Whiteboard feature within the site. As part this, removed all extra data rows and columns from the database that solely supported My Whiteboard. [20150209]
Removed all extraneous usage of the Request Source parameter through the modal interface, Javascript, and automatons. This streamlines loads of code and functinoality as this was a commonly used parameter solely for My Whiteboard. [20150209]
Migrated the Move editor tools for Brands and Indicia Publishers to now use the ETI library. [20150209]
Reconfigured for piped log rotation on all production servers. [20150211]
Cleaned out extraneous parameter passing of object names in the editor tools. [20150212]
Migrated the Move Up editor tool for Brand Images to now use the ETI library. [20150212]
Refactored all of the code in the ETI library, developing a base of standard parameters and interface items to centralize coding, improve performance, and reduce resource usage. [20150213]
Migrated the Move editor tool for Content Items to now use the ETI library. [20150213]
Created new Series selection within a Publisher tool in the ETI library. [20150213]
Migrated the Move editor tool for Issues to now use the new selection interface for Series within a Publisher in the ETI library. [20150213]
Created new Brand selection within a Publisher tool in the ETI library. [20150213]
Migrated the Move editor tool for Brand Images to now use the new selection interface for Brands within a Publisher in the ETI library. With this last tool conversion, all Move and Move Up editor tools are now utilizing the ETI Library for interface. [20150213]
Disabled rewrite logging on all production servers for increased operationl efficiency. [20150213]
Added code to PrImp library for Indicia Publshers, though have not run it in production as of yet. [20150215]
Upgraded database engine on production servers from PostgreSQL v9.3.x to v9.4.x (required c. 60 minutes of downtime for the site). [20150216]
Correct bug in import processing from external sources wherein the indicies for Countries on Publishers and Series was being lost. Corrected data in production to reflect this error. [20150217]
Streamlined import processing by removing extraneous data and updates on secondary data tables that was not being used anyways (code and data was unneeded anymore). [20150217]
Added code to PrImp library for Series, though have not run it in production as of yet. [20150217]
Added Database Structure (DBStruct) library to site for managing named access to tables in the database structure. Developed library to aid in multiplexing of tables during different operations in the data of the site, allowing for more dynamic discretion and segmenting during lengthier operations. [20150227]
Integrated new DBStruct library throughout all of the editor tools in the site, thereby reducing parameter passing and increasing efficiency signficantly for all editor tools. [20150227]
Updated all data access and manipulation libraries to now use the new DBStruct library. [20150227]
Added code to PrImp library for Issues, though have not run it in production as of yet. [20150227]
Suppressed logging of warnings in the DOM parsing in RSS feeds to save space in the error logs. [20150228]
Added new options to the Browse pages to view new items as of each data import from an external source. Access to these new options are available through a newly created editor privilege. [20150301]
Added code to PrImp library for Content Items, though have not run it in production as of yet (will be running all of the new PrImp library in production in the coming week). [20150305]
Ran PrImp library for Publishers in production, importing previously tested data sets from 20150201. [20150306]
Ran PrImp library for Indicia Publishers in production, importing previously tested data sets from 20150201. [20150307]
Ran PrImp library for Series in production, importing previously tested data sets from 20150201. [20150308]
Added checkmarks to all of the Search and Browse rollover menus in the main navigation bar. Corrected minor alignment problem with the Genres selection interface for Search in the main navigation bar. [20150309]
Added tracking columns for Series and Issues counts for parsed Stop Words. Updated all importing routines to set these column values during processing and parsing. [20150309]
Ran PrImp library for Issues in production, importing previously tested data sets from 20150201. [20150311]
Corrected minor inconsistency wherein the new Progressive ID parameter was set into URLs when it was not available for the current user. [20150311]
Corrected syntax error in the Automaton for deleting an Issue. [20150311]
Ran PrImp library for Content Items in production, importing previously tested data sets from 20150201. [20150314]
Dropped duplicate indices that have existed on most primary keys in the database. Updated PrImp library to now handle a single index on each primary key of imported tables consistently. [20150316]
Corrected bug in ETI library for selecting Publisher wherein core callback function name was not set properly. [20150317]
Corrected syntax error in the automatons for handling the deletion of a couple of the object types in the site. [20150317]
Corrected triggers that failed to be updated in the last PrImp execution for Content Items. This was luckily a minor, non-blocking bug that only showed when updating TSV values from Content Items. [20150318]
Corrected data bug in which circa 100 Brands were lacking reference links to their Publishers. [20150319]
Corrected non-blocking typo in the SQL for loading Content Items to select from when a non-editor is uploading an Issue Image. [20150319]
Moved all support documents for PrImp library and procedures into hosted directory structure for maintenance under version control systems. [20150319]
Fully deprecated full import routines in favor of the newly created Progressive Import (PrImp) library. [20150319]
Added whitespace scrubber functions to the core database. [20150325]
Added concatenation and cooresponding TSV columns for searchable data in Content Items for easier PrImp processing in the future. Populated columns with initial data. [20150325]
Updated all PHP, triggers and user functions to cascade updating of searchable concatenation data columns up from the new Content Items concatenation columns. Updated PrImp library for new configuration for speedier importing and significantly reduced redundancy when importing different objects. [20150328]
Added currency format for TRL, the Turkish Lira. [20150329]
Correct newly introduced bug when creating Content Items that resulted in the creation failing. [20150407]
Added the Next and Previous page, Issue, and Issue Variants icons to the Icon Legend page.
Cleaned up the Icon Legend page to congregate similar interface icons, thereby reducing the total number of "entries" on the page.
Corrected bug with the updating of the search vectors when the Notes for a Series are updated. [20150417]
Corrected bug preventing the edit of the Publication Date of an Issue by users. [20150422]
Corrected bug of not showing pending submitted changes to the Publication Date and Issue Number of an Issue on the Issue Image Detail page. [20150422]
Rebuilt REMS for importing non-cover images. Wiped all existing non-hierarchical data that was not displayable in production as the supporting data will all be rebuilt under the newly rebuilt REMS library. [20150426]
Internal feature and bug tracking software has been updated to the currently released version. [20150501]
Rewrote REMS for retrieving Brand Images, Indicia Images, and Statement of Ownership Images. Linking into the site for these items is now definitive. Reorganized all admin tools and documents in this rewriting. Rewrite necessitates the removal of all old data for these areas as the data has been externally updated; renewal of the data accounts for retaining all images already retrieved and placed into the site. [20150501]
Updated Cover Detail and Issue Detail pages to now display image for Indicia and Statement of Ownership. These are grouped under Issue Images and are listed as "Issue Assets". Full user tools are available for viewing larger versions of these images; editors have access to view the original image document in the original size/resolution. [20150501]
Added editor tools for Issue Assets to Add (with uploaded image document), Edit (attributes), Move, Move Up, and Delete. Privileges for access to the editor tools for Issue Assets fall completley under the Issue Images privileges. [20150501]
Opened access to view the original, unsized image for Issue Assets to all users logged into their accounts (was previously allowed only for logged in volunteer editors). [20150503]
Enabled Move and Move Up editor's tool even within Brands that have been flagged as deleted. [20150503]
Added Issue Assets section to the View Privileges page for volunteer editors. [20150504]
Added core library for Asset Types including data cache. [20150504]
Added support for Issue Assets to the Editor Change Log page for volunteer editors. [20150504]
Corrected display bug with the display of Move Up actions for Issue Images and Content Items on the Editor Change Log page for volunteer editors. [20150504]
Added support for Issue Assets to the My Changed Objects page for volunteer editors. [20150504]
Added automatic link generation to the Automatic Creation Note for Brand Images on the Open Tasks page for volunteer editors. [20150504]
Corrected some exception handling oversights in the new REMS library. [20150504]
Added support for new denormalized Issues Assets Count column in Issues wherever Issues are created in the site. [20150506]
Integrated structural changes needed for Issues to support Issue Assets into the PrImp library. [20150506]
Added a Data Structure Help page for Issue Assets. [20150507]
Added a Data Structure Help page for Brand Images. [20150507]
Corrected sorting on the Edit My Comic Haves page of My Collection in which all sort options were not using the Sortable Name for Series. [20150508]
Added support in the code for sorting by Issue Images Count on the Edit My Comic Haves page of My Collection. It was in the interface though the code was not handling the option. [20150508]
Removed the Price column from the following listing pages: Publisher Detail, Issues Listing; Brand Detail, Issues Listing; Indicia Publisher Detail, Issues Listing; and Browse by Issues. [20150508]
On all listing page where there are Issues listed, the "Issue Image Count" has had a separate count added for "Issue Assets Count". When only one count is included, it is the number of Issue Images; when a second count is included, it is separated by a "forward slash" (i.e "/") and is the Issue Assets Count for the Issue. [20150508]
Added support for sorting on all applicable listing pages for Issues for the Issue Assets Count. [20150508]
Centralized all display of Brands, optionally with Brand Notes under a widget, the Brand Images Viewer, and the Brand Images Count, into a central routine. Cleaned up the display of all of these elements to be consistent with other areas of the site. Implemented used of this new routine throughout all areas of the site, both listing and detail pages. [20150511]
Added support for the viewing of Brand Images even after editting a Brand for an Issue. Updating Brand Images Count now on Issue Detail pages after editting, also. [20150511]
Added Facebook Share button to the main navigation bar so it is available on every page in the site. [20150512]
Repurposed the Notated Issue Images page for editors to now encompass Editors Notes for all data items in the site. Notated Issue Images are still shown while other data items (e.g. Publishers, Series, Issues, etc.) are shown if they have been flagged as "Needs Updating" within the Editors Notes interface. [20150515]
Corrected alignment problem with the display of Brand Name data throughout the site. [20150515]
Implemented core function for generating editor indicator of when a data item in the site is flagged as Needs Updating. Implemented new function in all existing locations this indicator is already utilized. [20150515]
Added the Needs Updating interface indicator to all listing pages throughout the site, including Browse and Search pages. [20150515]
Added restriction for Notating Issue Images to require at least being logged into an account. [20150515]
Added notice in all delete tools for editors when a Forward has not been set on an item that is being confirmed for deletion. [20150516]
Improved performance of database response for listing pages where "extras" data is possibly available, thereby reducing load time significantly for most display instances in the interface. [20150517]
Added support for Forwarding, Needs Updating, and Open Tasks in the listing area of the Series Gallery page. [20150517]
Updated all JavaScript XML calls for the editor tools for Issue Prices to be asynchronous calls. [20150519]
Add full support for editing Issue Prices on the Edit All Issue page. [20150519]
Added Move All Issues editor tools to the site, available on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150521]
Added Move Up All Issues editor tools to the site, available on the Series Detail, Issues Listing page. [20150521]
Fixed problem with overflow of long titles on Detail pages, now allowing for the title area to wrap to multiple lines with content all flowing with it. [20150521]
Corrected bug with the display of the Series Gallery page which prevented it from showing. [20150531]
Corrected bug in the pagination bar of the Series Detail, Issues Listing page for editors to Edit Many values on the page. [20150531]
Created normailized structure in database for storing Reprint data. Moved existing data from external sources into new Reprints structure. [20150602]
Added core library of code to the site for handling the accessing and display of Reprint data. [20150602]
Added new areas on the Issue Detail pages to display Reprint data. Made a separate area for "Reprint In" and "Reprinted From", each the display of applicable data. [20150602]
Added new subheading area in each Content Item on the Issue Detail, Content Items Listing pages for the display of Reprint data. [20150602]
Moved the existing Reprint Notes data in the new Reprinting area of the Issue Detail, Content Items Listing pages for each Content Item. [20150602]
Correct alignment problem with the display of the Brand Title on the Issue Detail page. [20150604]
Updating the editor tool for creating a Content Item to now accept an empty Title. [20150604]
Corrected the default Content Item Type when creating a Content Item to now be "Internal Page(s)". [20150604]
Fixed discrepancy when working with Issues using the editor tools wherein the count of Issues in Brands and Indicia Publishers was not being updated. [20150604]
Cleared out old REMS tables left over from the recent update and conversion (they were old copies that are no longer needed considering the stability of the update). [20150604]
Cleared out old Reprints data tables left over from the recent update and conversion (they were old copies that are no longer needed considering the stability of the update). [20150604]
Add Country flag to Publisher Detail area for display of Forwarding data to volunteer editors. [20150605]
Add Country flag and Publisher Name to Brand Detail area for display of Forwarding data to volunteer editors. [20150606]
Removed all display of Surrogate Publisher data for Indicia Publishers throughout the site, fully deprecating support for this thoroughly useless and inaccurate data. [20150607]
Congregated all storage for last status of disclosure in listing pages (i.e. search, browse, and detail listing) by object type (i.e. Publishers, Brands, etc.). There is now a single "last status" stored for each type of object on any of the listing pages for the disclosure of Notes for an item in the listing. [20150609]
Updated Search options in main navigation to allow for discrete selection of what to search in for Publishers, Brands, and Indicia Publishers. Options expanded to now allow for seaching in the Name, Notes, or both for each of these types of objects in the site. [20150609]
Updated Search options in main navigation to allow for discrete selection of what to search in for Series. Options expanded to now allow for seaching in all data columns for Series in the site. [20150611]
Added Search options in main navigation to allow for discrete selection of what to search in for Issues. Options displayed now allow for seaching in all data columns for Issues in the site, similar to the other data objects previously done. [20150616]
Updated display of options for seaching in the data columns for Content Items in the site, similar to the other data objects previously done. Options expanded to now allow for seaching in all data columns for Content Items in the site. [20150616]
Update Account Search Preferences page under My Account to reflect all of the new selection options for searching. [20150618]
Updated all triggering for search columns in Issues to consistently and fully include additional columns in search (i.e. Volume and Indicia Frequency). Full effect will not be seen until next full data loading cycle. [20150619]
Updated the Help Searching page to reflect all of the recent changes to search in the site. New screenshots were added and details about restricting search by Country was added. [20150620]
Added Publisher column to the Browse Issues listing page. [20150621]
Updated the Manage Favorite Pages page to include the sorting functionality on the single page, obviating the need for the separate sorting page. [20150622]
Added My Collection Preference to choose whether to suppress the prompt for values when adding an Issue to My Haves. If set to not prompt, the default value settings are used when adding an Issue. [20150623]
Added My Collection Preference to choose whether to suppress the prompt for values when adding an Issue to My Wants. If set to not prompt, the default value settings are used when adding an Issue. [20150623]
Added Series Publisher Names as a search column option under Series. [20150624]
Reorganized access to the editor tools for Variants on the Issue Detail page, placing most items into rollover menus.
Fixed bug wherein the Series Continuance editor tools were not showing the currently set value correctly in the interface when editting.
Added Content Item selection interface with the full data hierarchy to the ETI library. Included option to set in the code when calling the library to allow for the selection of a "no Content Item selected" option in the interace.
Added all editor tools needed to the Issue Detail page for managing all aspects of Reprints. Full support for Add, Edit, and Delete made available for all types of Reprints throughout the site.
Posted version into production on July 9th, 2015.
Corrected bug with accessibility of the Continued In editor tool when there in no value currently set. [20150722]
Corrected bug with accessibility of the Edit All editor tool. [20150722]
Added Entity Names (i.e. Publishers, Brands, and Indicia Publishers) as a search column option under Extras (new). Result page is unique in showing only the counts of each particular entity type found as links to their individual search result listing pages. [20150730]
Added structural and PrImp support for new Series columns available from external data sources. [20150803]
Ran PrImp routines for Publishers, Indicia Publishers, and Series for all external data sources. [20150805]
Ran PrImp routines for Issues for all external data sources. [20150814]
Ran PrImp routines for Content Items for all external data sources. [20150820]
Corrected missing "Remember Me" username in the modalbox implementation of logging into a user account. [20150825]
On the Open Tasks Listing page for editors, when displaying Issue Images and sorting by Counts, changed the sort to be by the count of the number of Content Items of type Cover (from the count of Content Items total). [20150825]
Updated editor tools for Move and Move Up of Issue Images to dynamically remove moved Issue Image if the option to Stay on Page was checked instead of reloading the current page. [20150827]
Added support for BMP image documents to all areas of site with images from users: Issue Images, Issue Assets, Avatars, etc. [20150827]
Corrected bug where sometimes editing the details of an Issue in My Haves would set the current box incorrectly in the interface when none was currently set. [20150909]
Corrected bug when editor tool used to clone an Issue with Content Items, as the Content Items did not preserve the correct ordering. [20150909]
Corrected bug where cloning a Content Item was not properly incrementing the Covers Count for Content Items for the Issue. [20150909]
Corrected bug on Issue Detail pages wherein shortcut navigation to the next "Parent" Issue may not show if there are too many Variant Issues in the current Issue being displayed. [20150910]
Corrected bug wherein moving a Favorite Page out of a folder and deleting the folder all in one action could result in the moved Favorite Page being incorrectly deleted with the previous enclosing folder. [20150910]
Moved all creation of interfaces for selection of Content Items to link to Covers into a core routine. [20150919]
Updated interface for selection of Content Items to link to Covers to now include Content Items from the "base" Issue when uploading to an Issue Variant. [20150919]
Added direct Edit tool for Issue Image linked Content Item into the rollover Issue Image menu on the Issue Detail pages available only when there has been no Issue Image linked Content Item already set for an Issue Image. [20150919]
Added unique border color (orange) with color text on Issue Detail pages for Issue Images that are unlinked to a Content Item. Obviously this is displayed only for editors. [20150919]
Added uniquely colored count on Series Detail, Issues Listing pages for Issue Images that are unlinked to a Content Item. Obviously this is displayed only for editors. [20150919]
Added dynamic removal of "Unlinked" label for editors on the Issue Image pages when settig a link value for an Issue Image. [20151016]
Update remote cache instructions to allow for client-side caching of all non-dynamic content to speed response times of multiple pages in site. [20151028]
Added minimization of JSS code throughout site. [20151028]
Removed extraneous debugging message from setting of Continued From for Series. [20151103]
Corrected failure to carry thru value for Publication Type when cloning a Series. [20151105]
Corrected JS error on page when setting the Brand for an Issue to "unknown". [20151113]
Corrected bug in usage of ETI library for selecting an Issue in the full hierarchy in which the selected Series was not remembered correctly in the session. [20151113]
Added session memory for the last Brand selected in the ETI interface for a Move Up action. [20151113]
Added removal of unlinked border color when setting the Content Item link for an Issue Image. [20151114]
Migrated all structure and code for My Collection into separate namespace and organization for easier management and future upgrades. [20151201]
Corrected bug in ETI interface in which the correct default Publisher selection was not made when entering an ETI interface if the last Publisher selected was outside standard ASCII range. This then unfortunately caused lower data in the hierarchical data structure to not initially load in the interface. [20151215]
Upgraded core deployed usage of PHP to v70x. [20151222]